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An almost-globality

Update—Saturday, 26 August 2017

We can't believe it's been a little more than half a year since our last issue! So much has happened since, and yet so little (in the world) has changed. We seem closer to yet another world war than we've ever been since 1945; there are still people dying from thirst and hunger, when there are people dying from overindulgence; and everything we've sought to transcend takes over, where you're born what your accent sounds like what skin colour you possess what status you have matter more than what it should—the Earth still spins on its axis, everything has changed, and yet nothing truly has. The world is at once disconnected in its almost-globality; we are further from one another now that we're closer.

So with our upcoming issue (slated for October 2017), we're going to be bringing you a collection of varied works from artists and writers who are spread across the world. You'll be moved by Neil Douglas's art, a melancholic checkpoint between surreal memories and reality; you'll be helpless in wrenching poetry and prose that explore what it is to be human, right here, right now.

Till October, then—

P/S It's not too late to submit your work for consideration for this October's issue. Deadline Sunday, 3 September 2017.

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