2018 Hawker Prize submission #1
As promised, here's one (out of the six) of our submissions to the 2018 Hawker Prize—poem "yuan liang 原谅" by Joshua Ip, published in...
2018 Hawker Prise
So the final results for the inaugural 2018 Hawker Prize for Southeast Asian Poetry have been out for a little while now, and we couldn't...
What goes into writing, really?
Okay, so heads up—this is going to be a somewhat personal (read: not professional-professional) post… Run now while you can! What goes...
Doldrum Saturdays
The weekend has rolled around, yet again. And your writing to-do list just keeps getting longer and longer. You have a million and one...

What's better than writing? Winning (a writing prize)!
Exciting news! The Eloquent Orifice is ecstatic to be able to announce that we have been invited to participate in Sing Lit Station's...
An almost-globality
Update—Saturday, 26 August 2017 ​ We can't believe it's been a little more than half a year since our last issue! So much has happened...
Creative block?
Ever find yourself in a state of creative stagnancy? In a state where all you do is stare at a blank screen/canvas and nothing comes out...
Showdown: Writer vs Editor
Some days, that’s my reaction. I’m angrily, frustratedly, despairingly screaming in my head (or sometimes at the loquat tree in the...
To Write, or Not to Write?
"Why write?" Jean-Paul Sartre's famous essay begins with that thought-provoking question in its title. Sartre continues in his trademark...