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Exercise Creatively: Writing Prompts

Exercise is important, not only in the realm of physicality, but for metal optimization as well. The mind is a muscle, it must be challenged continuously to strengthen and grow. Training the body helps the joints, muscles, and ligaments function with fluidity, much like the way your mind will when called upon to create on a daily basis.

Many creative writers use writing exercises and prompts as a warm-up routine in attempts to conjure up new material and coax that hidden creativity into fruition. These exercises are meant to test your ability to think differently and create more efficiently. To start off, attempt to write non-stop and uninterrupted for 10 to 15 minutes in an area or environment where you feel most inspired (and least distracted!). You can focus on a specific subject or write down anything that comes to your mind –tap into your inner thoughts and let the words flow onto the page.

If you need a little more direction (or a bit of a challenge) set some guidelines or “rules” for your free writing. For example, write in vivid detail about a first. Your first pet, first break up, or your first life changing experience – describing a first is sure to stir some literary imagery. Or, pick a poem or an excerpt from your favorite work and describe what the words mean to you. Approaching your writing at a different angle helps you to think on cue and your output (nonsensical or not) will increase. By engaging in writing exercises and prompts on a daily basis, you will train your brain to create!

Sending your work into various Calls for Submissions is one of the best ways to get your work noticed and possibly published. The Internet is a valuable resource when it comes to locating Calls for Submissions - endless amounts of publications have a need for new material! While on the subject, The Eloquent Orifice is asking for your greatest works in preparation for Volume 5 Issue 2, coming October 2017! Please visit for more information.

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