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The Eloquent Orifice now has its very own blog! *cue throwing of confetti!!! butpleasedon'telbowusintheface*

Which means we get to talk to you every week about interesting things, from talking about writing and publishing, to talking about what EO is up to, to talking about interesting current news.

We're hoping this blog will help facilitate discussion (and discourse! that's my favourite word, because y'know, all great things come from discourse!) and provide an interactive platform for writers, editors, publishers, and everyone interested in what we do/think.

Also, having a blog means we get to yak on about writing and stuff like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. (We can't help ourselves.)

So. Brief recap about what EO is about, before we start on this bloggy adventure.

What we do

We publish critical essays, sociopolitical commentaries and creative works. Which means all academic papers, and poetry, photography etc. More information can be found here!

Why do we do what we do

Because we love what we do. It's as simple as that! We believe in bringing quality work to our readers, and giving our contributors our time and effort in the form of honest, sincere reviews on their work and collaboration in our publishing.

But underlying our passion is our philosophy.

Do we get paid?

Yes. We get paid. In appreciation and heartfelt messages, and in the increasing number of submissions we receive from issue to issue. There's nothing more rewarding than knowing we helped to birth a piece of work that speaks to people. But if by "paid", you mean in real-world money, then no... Unfortunately :/

We look forward to starting our new adventure with you! Feel free to leave us comments, send us an email or submit a Letter to the Editor! ;)

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